04 Feb 21, 23:12
Pawl and I have been nattering on about storage solutions for paints for a while now.
This is my current pile!

Does my head in. I can spend a good 5 to 10 minutes to find a paint sometimes.
So I've been meaning to pick up some sort of nice stackable solution where i can keep my paints without having to dig around to find them!
Ta da. The range!
https://www.therange.co.uk/arts-and-cra ... ox/#164394
Ive ordered 3. Should be enough. Can't wait
This is my current pile!

Does my head in. I can spend a good 5 to 10 minutes to find a paint sometimes.
So I've been meaning to pick up some sort of nice stackable solution where i can keep my paints without having to dig around to find them!
Ta da. The range!
https://www.therange.co.uk/arts-and-cra ... ox/#164394
Ive ordered 3. Should be enough. Can't wait
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