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The Old World to the Broken Realms
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Cswitheyjr #4797

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This is my first big-large army of Skaven Brothers. I am clearly the one to order-lead these minions. You have look-seen my tail, yes? However I ask-ask that you look over my ingenious plan-list and give-tell me feedback.

++ **Narrative and Open Play** (Chaos - Skaven) [1,985pts] ++

+ Leader +

Grey Seer on Screaming Bell [265pts]: 6. Cunning, 6. Staff of Rightful Supremacy, General - Masterclan

Plague Priest on Plague Furnace [235pts]: Guidance
. Plague Priest: 2. The Foul Pendant

Warlock Engineer [125pts]: 1. More-more-more Warp Power!

+ Battleline +

Clanrats [130pts]: 20 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers

Clanrats [130pts]: 20 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers

Clanrats [130pts]: 20 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers

+ Other +

Plague Monks [85pts]: 10 Plague Monks, Foetid Blade and Woe-stave, Plaque Harbingers, Standard Bearers

Plague Monks [85pts]: 10 Plague Monks, Pair of Foetid Blades, Plaque Harbingers, Standard Bearers

Plague Monks [85pts]: 10 Plague Monks, Foetid Blade and Woe-stave, Plaque Harbingers, Standard Bearers

Plague Monks [85pts]: 10 Plague Monks, Foetid Blade and Woe-stave, Plaque Harbingers, Standard Bearers

Ratling Gun [65pts]

Ratling Gun [65pts]

Stormfiends [315pts]: 3 Stormfiends, Doomflayer Gauntlets, Ratling Cannons, Windlaunchers

+ Artillery +

Warp Lightning Cannon [185pts]

+ Allegiance +

Allegiance: Allegiance: Skaventide

+ Game Options +

Battle Tactics

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence

Realm of Battle

++ Total: [1,985pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe
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James #4805

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No idea about aos but I like the unit names ๐Ÿ˜‚ pics ๐Ÿ˜ pls
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