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pawl #3373

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The mock-up looks good, but I agree that you need a little more colour contrast between the robes and the skeleton. I think that simply darkening the bones by working more brown in, and lightening the parchment with more ivory could be enough? =]

Edit; or even the other way round?
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Pharia #3644

Soooo Sey I've been offline for a while :S been painting some though:D

And one that I need to redo:S the idea was cool but ;)
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James #3645

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Hey dude. Models looking great. Redemptor especially ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
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Pharia #3647

Ya :D hes a beast in the games aswell ;) though I'm running him with the plasma variant though against t4 and t5 3+.sv stuff ;) the lt is allso a beast! Good combo with the bladeguards. So then its just the capt left from the indo box
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James #3648

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Nice work!! I'm finally thinking about finally speed painting up my indom necrons ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜
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Pharia #4618

Lo peeps.... been off for a good while :sweat_smile: but I've started up again ( fixed up a irl wall and restored my living room etc :smiley: .... but I've started painting again ๐Ÿ˜‰

And heres my work so far. Still haven't made a photo friendly place to do these so I'm sorry for that.....

Going to my first tournament in 3 weeks .... so really looking forward to that... no hopes of winning. Though I feel my list can handle itself fairly well.... dunno....
What do you think of em?
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James #4622

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Looking good mate. Sometimes nice to have a break!!
Whats the list your taking?
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pawl #4626

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I was wondering only the other day where you had gotten to, welcome back!

If the army plays as well as it looks then you'll have no issues buddy ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Pharia #4629

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [96 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selector**: Custom Chapter, Hungry for Battle, Raven Guard Successor, Whirlwind of Rage

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: Matched

+ Stratagems +

Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-1CP]: Number of Extra Relics

+ HQ +

Primaris Captain [5 PL, -1CP, 105pts]: Master of Ambush, Rites of War, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path, The Burning Blade, Warlord
. Heavy bolt pistol, Master-crafted power sword and Relic shield: Master-crafted power sword, Relic Shield

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, -1CP, 150pts]: 4. Mantra of Strength, 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Benediction of Fury, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Swift and Deadly

Primaris Techmarine [5 PL, 100pts]: Chapter Command: Master of the Forge

+ Troops +

Assault Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 200pts]
. 9x Assault Intercessor: 9x Astartes Chainsword, 9x Frag & Krak grenades, 9x Heavy Bolt Pistol
. Assault Intercessor Sgt: Heavy Bolt Pistol, Power fist

Heavy Intercessor Squad [7 PL, 150pts]: Executor bolt rifle, Executor heavy bolter
. 4x Heavy Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Heavy Intercessor Sergeant

Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: Helix gauntlet
. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. Infiltrator Sergeant

Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 210pts]: Bolt rifle
. 9x Intercessor: 9x Bolt pistol, 9x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant: Power fist

+ Elites +

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 180pts]
. 4x Bladeguard Veteran: 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 4x Master-crafted power sword, 4x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant: Neo-volkite pistol

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 195pts]: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 195pts]: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Fast Attack +

Outrider Squad [6 PL, 150pts]: Outrider Sgt
. 2x Outrider: 2x Astartes Chainsword, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Twin Bolt rifle

Suppressor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]
. 2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Suppressor Sergeant

+ Heavy Support +

Eradicator Squad [7 PL, 135pts]: Melta rifle
. 2x Eradicator: 2x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt

++ Total: [96 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe
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Pharia #4630

I haven't really figured out if I should ho with emperors blade or Rites of war as a second wl trait for my captain.... either buffing him up to str8 and an extra attack or able to give himself and the blade guards ob sec.... or another hard target for my advisory to wrap hes head around :p anyway.... the techy is another wild card.... buffing a dread with +1 to hit sounds like a winning strategy aswell as getting one up from 1 w and into hes second bracket sounds like a clutch move.... but not having an invul save on them is high risk :smile:
H intercessors in the backline aswell as combat squading the intercessors for objectives sounds like a good strategy:p infiltrators for ant deepstrike and forward obsec grabbing, aswell as the rg mine laying start as an option :p chaplain and bikers go and support where needed. Eradicators in ambush/deep strike to keep em away from harm/used as an asassin type unit turn 2. Suppressors as good all round support unit to take out t6 units and theyre amazing character snipers for rg tbh :p especially with theyre high movement and lots of shots :smile: capt and bladeguards ambush/premove to the center and hold while the dreads and assault Intercessors go upfield and take board control? Sounds like a general plan..... doesn't it? :p
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