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RZA #4144

I am looking at purchasing more units for my Marines. What us your opinions on either the MK IV Space marines vs Primaris Intercessors/Assault Intercessors?
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James #4146

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Personally the old style hits me in the feels.
But I think it really depends on what else your fielding. Sounds like alot of your stuff is primaris... Ergo... Primaris intercessors 😉
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RZA #4147

Well the I like how the MK IV looks compared to the III, and primarily I was looking at the number of miniatures per box. But I would like to field a post Heresy army
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pawl #4148

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MkIV plate is very uncommon in the 'modern' era. With the exception of a few Chapters - Iron Hands and Red Scorpions spring to mind - that can still produce it any suits of MkIV that have survived since the days of the Great Crusade (as MkV was being phased in when the Heresy broke out) are considered relics by their owners. To be granted the right to wear one (or even part of one) would be a huge honour, and to see a full squad equipped with it would be almost unheard of. If it were the happen I would imagine that the squad in question would be comprised solely of highly distinguished veterans.

If you're looking for a modern 40k force then generally speaking I would advise on Intercessors (for Primaris) or the standard Tactical Squad (for Firstborn). 🙂
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RZA #4149

I like the idea of having a Relic Firstborn squad in a Successor chapter of the Blood Angels. But I like both of your Opinions and I agree the Primaris would probably be the best bet to use. I just have fallen for the Mk IV plate.
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RZA #4150

And they will be Black Primary with Red secondary and silver accents. I just hope I don’t mess them up in the process of painting them.
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laam999 #4207

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Personally I love the MKiii Armour, but I know that's not what you asked. I'd prob sat the new intercessor stuff, it's a little cleaner. But that's why I like the MKiii, it looks so a medieval.
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pawl #4255

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RZA wrote: 25 Jan 22, 00:23 I like the idea of having a Relic Firstborn squad in a Successor chapter of the Blood Angels. But I like both of your Opinions and I agree the Primaris would probably be the best bet to use. I just have fallen for the Mk IV plate.
In that case I would maybe recommend looking to the FW range to bling them out a little bit, to help show their distinguished status.
As an example, look at the difference between the Vanguard Veterans sculpts and those of a regular Assault Squad. 🙂
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RZA #4278

Thank you Pawl. I have and I love how they look! I might pick up a pack of them to use in my army.
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pawl #4279

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Keep in mind that they're not necessarily a suggestion (though I do like the models, and I still have some of the older metal sculpts!), simply an idea of how a veteran's armour might differ from a regular marine's - much more intricate and ornate. 🙂
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