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Pharia #2662


Right so the sarge is getting close to getting transfers on... though I'm thinking either the shield needs to change (the red trim) or hes "garb" (i think its called in english) needs to be red or some other color :p other than that im happy with the colors. Though in some other ways I like it aswell.... hahaha what do you guys think? :p

But to the thing that's absolutely not finished is hes power sword... any tips useing an airbrush to make it glowing and well looking like a activated power sword.
Is it possible to make the effect from stegadon scale green -> thunderhawk blue -> sotek green-> fenrisian grey and pure white... and how do I go about this? I actually don't know haha ? Any help would be appreciated
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James #2669

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Hey man ive not tried anything exactly like this yet.
I have done like a glowing heat burn from Orange to hot orange to red to black on a melta. See myphitic blight hauler wip on their melta guns.
But i did see this video that would help.

I feel like using sellotape would be a recipe for disaster if it takes off all your paint. Maybe modelling masking tape instead
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Pharia #2671

I dont have modelling tape.... but maybe just a sheet of stiff paper or something to hold?
I guess im rather in the bliss... thought about starting very light with a few spots in rhe blade and work darker or lighter.... ill try it out on just some screw first.
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James #2673

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Yeah ive seen people use plasticard or similar just held in place. Will just require a steady hand 😳😬
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Pharia #2674

Ill try it out after the kid has gone to bed this evening on a sprue just to see how the gradient would look like... the effect if you will...but still what do you think light to dark or the other way around dark to light as in this vid?
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James #2677

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Not sure both sound cool tbh. Try them both out on a sprue stick and see which result you like better!
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Pharia #2679

Found this aswell https://www.petehappens.com/2016/05/air ... s.html?m=1
Dunno the vid you posted is a lot cleaner than this one... but ill try em both tonight... though ill test em on a powersword From my vanguards that I didn't use.... :p
Oh I know that to get the desired effect there's loads sof practice. But I got to start somewhere. :p
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Pharia #2683

Right first go on power sword on dude. Pre edge highlights
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James #2692

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Hey that's pretty darn good especially for your first attempt 👏👏
Look forward to seeing with highlights done!
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Pharia #2694

Quick lesson to myself. Painting white through an airbrush is as annoying as it is with a normal brush :p thinking of the drying time of white... I had to thin it a lot down so it didn't klogg the needle:p. Had two attempts where my sotek spider webbed and I had to do it all over again one time. :p
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