29 Mar 21, 00:57
This has been a model I've been dying to paint for ages but ive been quite intimidated by it. Has alot of detail and alot of awkward areas that seem to change from flesh to armour and back at will... so I've been avoiding to approach it for a year or so 
But no longer! Moved some serious "real estate" as my man Kenny Boucher would say and have made a good start with the airbrush.

Quite impressed with the coverage from the monument pro acryl paints too.
Flesh is the main next step. I would normally block in with a brush first but due to the way to flesh mingles with other bits i think ill need to carefully airbrush it in so it transitions from armour to flesh more naturally.
Have some big plans with this dude. Including a nice mini waterfall base cos hes so fancy.

But no longer! Moved some serious "real estate" as my man Kenny Boucher would say and have made a good start with the airbrush.

Quite impressed with the coverage from the monument pro acryl paints too.
Flesh is the main next step. I would normally block in with a brush first but due to the way to flesh mingles with other bits i think ill need to carefully airbrush it in so it transitions from armour to flesh more naturally.
Have some big plans with this dude. Including a nice mini waterfall base cos hes so fancy.