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DW1986 #2658

As the Death Guard Chaos Lord HQ option is now much more viable thanks to the new codex, I decided to raid the bits box to make one 😁 The main body is a plague marine champ, balesword arm comes from the plague surgeon, backpack from the malignant plaguecaster, and the gun arm is a mixture of plague marine and sternguard veteran parts. I'm thinking the gun needs to be "nurglified" a bit, either that or we say he nicked it off a loyalist 😉 what do you guys think?
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James #2660

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He's pretty awesome dude, some top kitbashing!!
I think he maybe needs a little something extra... hes great but i feel like hes a champion at the moment rather than a lord 🤔🤔
Maybe he needs abit more verticle height? Something to rally chaos?
Like something like this on the backpack?
Perhaps try sculpt abit more of a cloak and maybe a cowl!? Will make him less plague marine more chaos lord?
http://www.modernsynthesist.com/2017/01 ... t.html?m=1
Just an idea though 😁

Make them an offer they cant refuse!!!
Or... fancy some freehanding?!
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264348091929 🤣
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DW1986 #2664

Ooooooo good call, I think I have that exact banner laying around somewhere hahaha
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James #2667

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Oh perfect 😀😀 maybe make a nurgling swinging off it haha
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pawl #2701

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I concur with James - it's definitely a solid start, but he doesn't yet have a lordly presence. Added height would definitely help - a bit of cork and maybe a defeated enemy, just to mark his prowess?
As for his weapon, a little, pitting with a pin vice, a dirty paint job, and maybe a tentacle or a couple of blisters and it'll look fine. 😉
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DW1986 #2788

Thanks for the feedback guys! As you can see I've made some changes :grin: He now has a nice banner on the backpack to give him some more height, and I decided to completely change the gun arm, combi-bolter is a free choice so a good way to keep him under 100pts. The gun arm is actually from one of the Tainted Cohort terminators, but I think it just about looks the right size, plus he's bloated with the blessings of Nurgle so who cares if one if his arms is a bit more hench :laughing: Started painting his base layers last night, decided to keep the helmet as is as I really like the gasmask and pickelhaube style, but his is going to painted with a bit more detail than his Plague Marine underlings - think Death Guard Primaris Lieutenant :joy:
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James #2789

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Lol Death Guard Leiutenant 🤣 it is something we need though in fairness unless they change the lords of death rule!
He looks awesome now. Very much more than your run of the mill champion 😀
Nice colour choices too. Any exciting basing plans?
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pawl #2794

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The banner definitely helps, gives him much more presence! The combi bolter looks less unwieldy too, and much more Death Guard. 👍

(also it looks like you're a dark mode user - @Stephen is going to be helping make it look a little prettier soon 👌)
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DW1986 #2796

@James oh absolutely! He'll be accompanied by a Nurgling carrying a blight grenade, and I'll see if I there is also room for a dismembered loyalist hahahaha

@pawl thanks :grinning: and yes, I do love a bit of dark mode, I use it on anything that has the setting haha
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James #2799

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Ffs @DW1986 your a tad older than me, you should be incompetent just like me. Ive been using this for a year and only discovered (was shown) dark mode today *face palm* Papa Nurgle clearly has smarter marines in the deep south!

Excellent. But maybe a sisters of battle would be more apt for ya? 😃
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