26 Sep 20, 23:40
*please move if needed pawl*
So @Badger_of_doom has been keen to start a crusade game for a few weeks and we've finally got ourselves up to speed with how it works.
In a nut shell, crusade mode is a way of playing 40k but creating more of a story and uniqueness to your army and units by gathering experience and upgrades and doing different missions using the same force. (Im looking forward to us being abit more attached and invested in our guys and less just building the most optimum army)
We've also both been super nerds and gone out and got mugged off by GW to buy their Crusade Journal to track our armies. Pictures to follow.
Rough guidelines of the crusade will be initially create a force of 50 power level (PL) and then we will do 25 PL battles (selecting what units we wish to use in that particular skirmish from the larger force).
After an agreed number of battles we we will increase our overall number of PL and the PL size for the battles. I think we will be rolling 2 dice for battle honours instead of 1 so less chance of getting a useless upgrade for your unit. (@Badger_of_doom are we thinking reroll one dice if you get a double?)
I think we will both post our first crusade forces on here tomorrow in place for Monday and the first game (maybe two) of the crusade.
Ultramarines VS Death Guard
N.b. i think we've agreed to boycott OP units like eradicators and contemptors until we have larger armies. This way it'll hopefully allow the game and armies to be fluffy and less competitive list buildy.
So @Badger_of_doom has been keen to start a crusade game for a few weeks and we've finally got ourselves up to speed with how it works.
In a nut shell, crusade mode is a way of playing 40k but creating more of a story and uniqueness to your army and units by gathering experience and upgrades and doing different missions using the same force. (Im looking forward to us being abit more attached and invested in our guys and less just building the most optimum army)
We've also both been super nerds and gone out and got mugged off by GW to buy their Crusade Journal to track our armies. Pictures to follow.
Rough guidelines of the crusade will be initially create a force of 50 power level (PL) and then we will do 25 PL battles (selecting what units we wish to use in that particular skirmish from the larger force).
After an agreed number of battles we we will increase our overall number of PL and the PL size for the battles. I think we will be rolling 2 dice for battle honours instead of 1 so less chance of getting a useless upgrade for your unit. (@Badger_of_doom are we thinking reroll one dice if you get a double?)
I think we will both post our first crusade forces on here tomorrow in place for Monday and the first game (maybe two) of the crusade.
Ultramarines VS Death Guard
N.b. i think we've agreed to boycott OP units like eradicators and contemptors until we have larger armies. This way it'll hopefully allow the game and armies to be fluffy and less competitive list buildy.