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Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 31 May 20, 11:00
by pawl
I can't say I've seen anything about moisture traps before. What made you think of it?

Looked at the cleaners, decided against it for the money. It's just more stuff to try and store, and (so far) I've had pretty good results doing everything by hand. Plus I've heard if you fill them with alcohol or acetone then they can explode 😐

Yeah, makes sense.

To be fair I think that yours look solid, even if you do think they're a bit bright! I've just spent so long trying to get perfect lines that I'm not sure I could intentionally do the opposite 😂

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 31 May 20, 11:51
by James
I was just reading stuff online and some people were saying it made a huge difference the compressor I've got and you were looking at does have one. But I don't think it can hurt to have another and they are cheap. I think basically depending on humidity you can get water particles building up in the compressed air and the moisture traps... trap it lol.. Was only 6 quid so thought worth a go.

Yeah makes sense. I'm Only going to get one if I can get it dirt cheap. I've heard you just use water. When you get your airbrush you'll realise it's a pain to clean and I'm convinced while I'm cleaning in fairly well there's bits inside it I'm not getting access to properly!

Haha yeah I'm happy with the brightness now! Just different to how some ppl have done them. Although I think some of it could be down to the lighting in the pics!

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 31 May 20, 13:22
by pawl
Ah okay! More for me to learn firsthand at a later date! 🙈

Some of the guides I've seen suggest plain water, some dish soap, some heavily diluted iso. Until I start finding it difficult to do by hand I'll not worry though. Unless my GW stocks treble in value overnight, then I'll consider it 😂

Hey, if it works for you it doesn't matter how other people do it!

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 31 May 20, 14:02
by James
I get the feeling airbrushing is a long line of painful lessons haha

Stocks in gw 😃😃😃😃 awesome. Very jealous!

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 31 May 20, 14:54
by pawl
It'll be worth it, I'm sure!

They make up more of my portfolio than they really should, but they're almost a guaranteed winner - they just seem to be rising forever!

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 01 Jun 20, 00:06
by James
Haha I can't see them ever going down. Imagine they've rocketed after reopening? Do you get any perks for being a share holder?

Finally got the brush out late this evening. Realised this is going to be long painful blocking in.. And realised the mortar bit should actually have some green on... So not sure what I'll do about that. Maybe just more bronze and silver.

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 01 Jun 20, 10:57
by pawl
They dropped a fair bit, obviously, but I didn't have anything spare to top up unfortunately. They're now back to an alltime high though 👌
I could attend shareholder meetings I think, but I don't really know how you prove ownership. I use a zero-fee app rather than one of the big broker websites, so I don't really know how it works to do things "properly". I just take my profits and don't ask questions 😂

It can't all be easy work! 😜
Assuming the mortar is glued in, could you mask off the chassis and get the airbrush on it at all?
Progress is good though 👌

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 01 Jun 20, 17:30
by James
Haha that's still cool though. Don't really understand all the shares stuff but I'm still jelly!

Glad you suggested it and I wasn't lazy. Was easy enough to do really without any masking required at this stage.
Also got to use the new moisture trap

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 01 Jun 20, 19:10
by pawl
If you ever was a nudge in the right direction just ask. =]

Happy days, come out nice!
Any noticable change? Although it's maybe more of a "no change is good" kinda thing.

Re: Plagueburst Crawler WIP

Posted: 03 Jun 20, 01:55
by James
Will do.

No not really but it was a pretty quick airbrush session.. I think it would start being bigger value when your doing longer sessions and the heat and moisture can build up!
Managed to get more of the leadbelcher blocked in tonight also did some building.. put together the dark apostle and a couple of others. Dunno why but I'm just finding it's too hot until later on to be able to get anything done.