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Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 06 Jun 20, 00:39
by James
Haha I reckon my old Dalmatian print blood angels will probably have the same mistake 🤣

Well I did always have a plan for a nurgle rhino.... Which I could just do on a vindicator instead... I think I saw someone get like a plastic squid or octopus and have it almost exploding out of the side of the rhino. And then like green stuff the gaps and stuff.
Ah.. I have found it!!

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 06 Jun 20, 01:00
by pawl
That's really cool!
Was recently reading a pdf copy of my first ever White Dwarf (April '99!), and these were in it, don't know if they'll be good for inspiration.


Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 06 Jun 20, 13:43
by James
Oh wow they are amazing! I think kitbashing and modding is impressive now but I imagine it must have been alot harder to do well 20 years ago!

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 06 Jun 20, 14:00
by pawl
This came today, last one for a while I think!

Once my last delivery arrives with greenstuff and some tools I might try and get some of them stripped and restored. 😁

James wrote: 06 Jun 20, 13:43 Oh wow they are amazing! I think kitbashing and modding is impressive now but I imagine it must have been alot harder to do well 20 years ago!
I know right? Especially when you consider that the dread would have been all-metal, and the pred turret and sponsons too! The change to all-plastic is the best thing that could have happened to beginner hobbyists/converters.

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 06 Jun 20, 16:47
by James
That looks awesome. I love all the tanks 😂 How easy will it be to strip the tank? Guess the whole thing will need to be submerged?

Yeah I ddint even think that it was all metal.. did green stuff exist back then?

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 06 Jun 20, 17:17
by pawl
I'm hoping not too difficult.
ISO for everything except turrets. This will let me remove metal bits, and get rid of paint. Turrets and metal in acetone. I can then see any imperfections in the build (like the chassis being assembled incorrectly, leaving the gap at the back) and figure out how to correct them. Likely removing attempted cover-ups and using plasticard/greenstuff. It also means I can fix any damage or missing pieces (whirlwind is missing the front plate and dish). Then it's just a case of rebuilding. 👌
(it sounds so simple when I put it like that!)

Kind of, yeah. It might not have gone by the same name (or even been the same colour) but various different kinds of putty have always been a thing. You have to remember that Airfix and train modellers (amongst others) have been around pretty much since forever, and they also have to sculpt the originals to mould!

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 07 Jun 20, 01:50
by James
Are you going to need to use a pretty big tub to get it all in then?

Haha sounds like you'll have it done by this time tomorrow!

Ah that's true. I guess Jarvis scenics stuff will have been doing all sorts for ages!

Excited..managed to finally get my hands on a forgeworld rapier battery with quad bolters!
These are 35 on forgeworld but a guy was selling on the warhammer groups for 14 wirh delivery. A steal. Just have to decide if it's going chaos or space wolves..... 🤔 some stupid codex reason means death guard can't use it.

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 07 Jun 20, 16:51
by pawl
Fortunately I have one I should be able to use - just need another batch of ISO, don't have enough to fill it.

This time next year if I'm lucky!

Very nice! Stripping resin doesn't seem so easy though I fortunately. Best (non-branded) guides I've seen have suggested ISO (no soaking), softer brushes and being stupidly gentle. It seems that everything weakens resin, so losing details can be really easy.

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 07 Jun 20, 19:52
by James
I think for us with plastic crack addictions.. we'll never be able to finish more models than we can buy 🤣

Ok that's worrying! I may have to hope what painting has been done has been thin so I can just go over it with the airbrush.

Re: pawl's eBay rescues

Posted: 07 Jun 20, 21:58
by pawl
I resigned myself to that fate long ago 😂

Have a search around, see what you can find. I'm sure that Dettol or something will apparentlh be fine, but I just stop reading when I see brand names!